Shadowfever (Fever Series #5)

Shadowfever - Karen Marie Moning For more reviews, see: Fantasy is More Fun What an incredible end to a captivating series (though the world continues with Iced this book wraps up the current story line). I think the last three books in the series (so Faefever, Dreamfever, and Shadowfever) are some of the most intense books I've read, and this one takes the cake! So much happens. I don't think I can even exaggerate the number of twists and turns, conflicts and resolutions, questions and answers that present themselves in this book. My most nagging question at the start of the book was who was it on that cliff? I had my guesses, as I'm sure you had yours... and I was still stunned. As is Mac. The shock in the first few chapters is amazingly written and the subsequent transformation that Mac goes through is the most intense one yet. Dani is also going through some amazing transformations - I love the person she's turning into and I LOVE that her and Mac have grown close. In this book you will have all your questions answered, finally! (at least I did - maybe you're a deeper thinker than I am?) While I think you may have figured out some of them already - the most pressing ones remained obscure for me at the start of the book. In no particular order: What is Barron's BIG secret? Who exactly is Mac? Who is the Dark King? Who was Alina's killer? For me all those questions, once answered, shocked the pants off me - so enjoy! The surprises and twists keep you guessing all the way to the unexpected finale. See Barrons, Mac, Dani, V'Lane, and well, everyone in new, exciting scenarios and revealing details. A fantastic read!